Fundamental informatics & information technology

  • international relations
  • Management of business
  • General Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Sociology of politics and international relations
  • Economics
  • International relations & strategic studies

State University of Nizhni Novgorod is a top Russian higher education centre providing thorough training in the best Russian academic traditions. The university has had the status of research centre since 2009.

University’s distinctive feature is high quality of education and affordable tuition fees. It offers a large range of education programmes and modes of study, as well as scholarships and grant programmes.

won recognition worldwide. It is a member of the European University Association (EUA) and the Deans European Academic Network (DEAN) Executive Committee. It was listed in the top 100 100 BRICS education centres in QS Rankings 2013-2015.

UNN offers English medium programmes in the following fields:

Bachelor’s degree: 

  • Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology
  • Economics
  • International Relations

Master’s degree:

  • Management

In 2014, the University launched a state-of-the-art Lobachevsky computational cluster ranking 24th among the world’s supercomputers. In 2015, it opened the SPF Vivarium , the third in Russia, to conduct research in schizophrenia, epilepsy, and Altzheimer’s disease. In 2017, UNN launched the Center for Innovative Development of Medical Instrument Engineering featuring full design and marketing of competitive high-tech domestic products. The Centre is tasked with consolidating the research, clinical and education tracks.

UNN at a glance

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN) is one of the biggest universities in Russia. It was established in 1916.


1000 doctoral


1200 Associate
& Assistant Professors


400 Professors


30000 students
from 97 countries


19 Faculties & Institutes

6 Research Institutes


570 teraflops

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN) consists of 5 institutes – Institute of International Relations and World History (IIRWH), Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship (IEE), Institute of Biology and Biomedicine, Institute for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and Institute of Military Training – as well as 14 faculties – those of Chemistry, Radio physics, Physics, Mechanics and Mathematics, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Philology, Law, Social Sciences, Physical Education and Sports, Preparatory Faculty, Faculty for Regional Personnel Training, Minor Academy of Public Administration and Advanced School of General and Applied Physics.

UNN has a close collaboration with the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (NNSC RAS). State University is a member of the European University Association (EUA).


Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN) has been in the world’s top 700 universities since 2011, according to QS World University Rankings. It is ranked 72nd in top 200 universities in 2014 QS World University Rankings: BRICS.

More than 1,000 UNN students and staff were trained in the best European universities during the implementation of 21 Tempus projects.

State University of Nizhni Novgorod is carrying out 7 innovative scientific projects supported by the Government of the Russian Federation to establish world class research laboratories, develop promising scientific fields, involve students in scientific research and encourage them to develop projects from an idea to a business.

In 2014 UNN installed a powerful supercomputer named Lobachevsky at the Research Institute for Applied Mathematics and Cybernatics. The peak performance of Lobachevsky is 570 Tflops: this makes it the third most powerful supercomputer in Russia and one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod includes Fundamental Library (its collections number 2,200,000 volumes), Innovation Technology Centre, University Press and printing house and 5 museums: Zoological Museum (included in the top 5 university zoological museums in Russia), Archaeological Museum, Ethnographic Museum, UNN History Museum with an Art Gallery, and Nizhni Novgorod Radio Laboratory Museum.

UNN created a network of universities to develop the cooperation between the European Union and the Volga Federal District of Russia in a wide range of fields. 100 universities of the Volga Federal District of Russia engage in collaboration in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. 11 universities have joined the development of common educational environment. 10 universities are involved in the cooperation with the EU to provide infrastructural support for innovation.

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod has forged successful partnerships with 95 universities and educational centres worldwide since 1991, when the closed city was opened up. International cooperation has resulted in the unique programmes – Russian-French University and Russian-Italian University. The latter programme was twice included in Russia-Italy Joint Action Plan. Students graduate with diplomas from two educational institutions in two countries.